
We take money seriously. Your financial support is part of how you express your thankfulness to God for all He has done. So we aim to be faithful, prudent, and accountable for every dollar donated to our church.

When giving to the church, you may designate a particular fund. All undesignated gifts are directed to the "General Fund" and we ask that members give first to this fund before giving to the others. If you give by check or bank payment, write the fund name in the memo section. If you give online, you can choose from the fund menu.

General Fund

Donations to this fund supply core operations of the church: staffing, ongoing ministries, and administrative expenses.

Benevolence Fund

Donations to this fund provide relief to church members and outsiders in crisis: basic needs such as food, housing, and medical.

Mission advance Fund

Donations to this fund are allocated for strategic projects intended to extend and expand our ministry: church planting, future leader development, and global missions.

building Fund

Donations to this fund are put aside for the future purchase of a church facility.


We take the stewardship of everything God provides us seriously, including your financial support. In an effort to ensure accountability and wise planning, the Pastoral Team has appointed a Finance Team. This advisory team provides advice and guidance to church leaders, publishes regular reports to our church members, and oversees our compliance with best practices.

When possible, we prefer bank or ZELLE payments since credit and debit card fees are significantly higher. Most banks offer the mobile banking app ZELLE to their customers. If your bank doesn’t offer Zelle yet, you can download the mobile app to get started. Our contact name: Sovereign Grace Church and our email:

Checks can be mailed to: Sovereign Grace Church of Pasadena: PO Box 90515, Pasadena CA 91109