Good Friday Service

Join us for our annual Good Friday Service as we remember and celebrate together the very center of our faith - the cross of Christ.

Once again, Sovereign Grace Church will join together with The Chapel here in Pasadena to commemorate the crucifixion of our Savior.

This is an opportunity to display our unity with other Christians as well as celebrate our new life in Christ's which was only made possible through his death on the cross.

The Good Friday Service will be held at The Chapel at 61 N. Hill Ave. in Pasadena on March 29th at 6pm.

Hope to see you there!

Tamara Boomsma
Easter Egg Hunt

You are invited to join us for an Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 31st at Sovereign Grace Church of Pasadena. Bring your kids! Everyone Welcome!


We meet at the Cleveland Elementary School. Address: 524 Palisade St. Pasadena, CA 91103

Hope to see you there!

Tamara Boomsma

We want to set aside some regular opportunities for prayer. Twice a month on Tuesday nights.  This is for moms of all ages and stages in their motherhood: pregnant moms, moms of infants, toddlers, school age kids, teens, college kids and adult children as well. I’d like to use these times to pray for each other too: for strength, grace, stamina, for equipping, for courage and for faith to help us navigate all stages of motherhood.

 Over the last several months, I’ve had many conversations with mothers and I kept hearing the same thing: these mothers’ hearts were burdened for their children. As I’ve meditated on this, I’ve come to realize that the answer is the same for all seasons of motherhood - it’s applicable to every stage of motherhood no matter the age of our children.

So, what’s a mother to do?

1. REMEMBER AND FIGHT: (God is great and awesome )

Nehemiah 4:14 gives us some instruction: “Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your (husbands) wives and your homes.”  Remember that God is great and awesome - now fight.

 2. RECOGNIZE: (our weakness and God’s provision)

We need to recognize that as mothers, we often feel weak - but that’s ok. God has a solution for that!

  •  2 Cor. 10:3 helps us recognize our weakness: “For though we are weak in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.

  • 2 Cor. 12:9 -God reassures us: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

 3. RETOOL: (replacing carnal weapons with spiritual)

  • 2 Cor. 10:4 -The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.”

What’s our spiritual weapon? Prayer.

“Prayer is a partnership of the redeemed child of God working hand in hand with God toward the realization of his redemptive purposes in earth.” - Jack Hayford

 4. RESOURCE: (The Word)

Isaiah 55:11 tells us God’s word will not return void - but will accomplish what God desires and will achieve his purposes. If we are to pray God’s will, we need to pray His Word over our kids with an eye toward God’s redemptive purposes in their lives.

 An InvitatioN

With these things in mind, I’m inviting moms to join me in praying for our children - in fighting with the weapons that God has given us. Fighting for our kids, our families and our homes. 

 You’ve all heard of Tiger Moms and Helicopter Moms, right? They use carnal methods of fighting for their kids. Let’s retool and instead employ the spiritual means for our warfare that God has provided and be PRAYING MOMS!


 These will be at my house on Tuesday nights from 7-8 pm. Address: 45 E. Mariposa St, Altadena

  •  Our first prayer time will be Tuesday night, Jan 30th

  • The second will be Tuesday night, Feb, 20th

  • Thereafter, we will meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights of each month for March / Apr / May


 While these times will not include any teaching, here are some helpful books I’d like to recommend that can assist you in our prayer time:

  1.  Take Words With You  by Tim Kerr (Kindle version)

  2. Praying the Scriptures for Your Children: Discover How to Pray God’s Purpose for Their Lives by Jodie Berendt

  3. Praying the Scriptures for Your Adult Children:  Trusting God with the Ones You Love by Jodie Berendt

 Hope to see you there!




Tamara Boomsma

Our Bridge Course starts next Wednesday! Please take some time this week to invite friends, family, or co-workers to join us - and consider coming with them!

CLICK HERE for the link to the Bridge site to find out more information and to sign up.

Tamara Boomsma

Discipleship is a normal part of our Christian walk. It’s how we help each other mature in our faith and walk in obedience to Jesus. We are starting a Men’s Discipleship group at the beginning of the year and we invite you to join us as we look at what it means to grow as godly men in our relationships, character, souls, and ministry. Come for fellowship, accountability, encouragement, friendship and building one another up in the faith. Sign up below!

WHEN: Saturday mornings - beginning Jan 6.

WHAT TIME: 8:30-10am

WHERE: At the church office

BOOK: Disciplines of a Godly Man by Kent Hughes (Click for link to Amazon)


Tamara Boomsma

We are moving and will now be meeting at Alma Fuerte School at 524 Palisade Street, Pasadena 91103

We have been praying for an opportunity to move our meeting time back to Sunday mornings and after a year and a half at the Pasadena Senior Center, the Lord has opened up a new place for us to meet. The new time will be Sundays at 10:30 am. Parking will be on the northwest corner of the campus. There will be signs to guide you to the meeting room.

The director and staff at Alma Fuerte School have been very welcoming and are eager to build community with us. We are looking forward to developing a good relationship with the school and the neighborhood in the coming months. Stay tuned for future ministry opportunities!

Tamara Boomsma
Church Workday and Ministry Team Training Day

We are having a church work day on Saturday, Dec 2 from 8am to 4 pm. We will be doing some sprucing up and light chores along with some landscaping in preparation for our first Sunday service at the new location the next day.

We’ll be starting the day with prayer at 8am. Coffee and bagels / donuts will be served in the morning. Join us for any part of the day as you are able. We will also be serving lunch. After lunch, ministry teams will be setting up and running through Sunday morning routines in order to get familiar with the new premises.

Please join us - this is a great time to build together as a church body. Working together is a great friendship building and bonding experience!

Tamara Boomsma
A Tribute to Daniel Fuller (1925-2023)

We want to extend our condolences to Janice Vessey whose father, Daniel Fuller, passed away on June 21, 2023. Below, please find three articles on Daniel’s life and legacy.

John Piper wrote an article on the Desiring God site titled: My Most Influential Teacher: A Tribute to Daniel Fuller. Please take a moment to click HERE to read about Janice’s father.

An article in the Pasadena Star News: Remembering Daniel P. Fuller: Honoring a Legacy of Scholarship and Vision at Fuller Theological Seminary

And one more from the Gospel Coalition: How Three Friends Dropped Out of Princeton Theological Seminary, Joined the Inaugural Class of Fuller Theological Seminary, and Changed Evangelicalism

Tamara Boomsma
Ordination Sunday

On Sunday, May 21st, we will be ordaining Tim Owens as an Elder/Pastor. This is a culmination of over 2 years of praying, planning, and preparation. We are so grateful to God for orchestrating this entire process.

Our Sovereign Grace Regional Director, Eric Turbedsky will be preaching and officiating the service.

If you’re wondering about what Ordination is or why it’s important, we’ve included a section from the Sovereign Grace Ordination Guide below for you to read.

Please join us Sunday, the 21st at 3 pm as we officially welcome Tim as a new Pastor/Elder. There will be a celebration dinner after the service. Please come!

“God’s Word presents the role of a pastor as a high calling and privilege. There is a unique authority and responsibility entrusted to Christ’s under-shepherds. Every pastor is to be a skilled teacher of Scripture and must be capable of feeding the flock from God’s Word. Every pastor is also a governing elder in the affairs of the church, a spiritual overseer, a guardian of sound doctrine, and a refuter of false doctrine.


Therefore, to be ordained as a pastor, a candidate must be a proven student of God’s Word, “rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15). The candidate must be “able to teach” (1 Tim 3:2). “He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it” (Titus 1:9). He must be able to protect the flock from falsedoctrine and from wolves (Acts 20:28-30).


The Sovereign Grace Book of Church Order (BCO), following biblical standards for eldership, states that all of our elders must possess an aptitude for sound doctrine: “Elders must possess as aptitude for sound doctrine, which means they understand and believe it and can teach and defend it” (3.5). They must also have an ability to teach: “Such an ability to teach implies a basic ability to organize ideas, accurately exegete the biblical text, and communicate this in a way that encourages, instructs, and even inspires other believers” (3.5.3).


The ordination process for the churches of Sovereign Grace is intended to protect the integrity of our doctrinal commitments and values, to guard against being hasty in the laying on of hands (1 Tim 5:22), and to ensure that called and qualified men are filling our pulpits, leading our church plants, and pastoring our churches. All current elders in the churches of Sovereign Grace have a vested interest in the quality of our future elders. The theological maturity and biblical fidelity of our pastors is fundamental to the health of our union of churches.


For this reason, there must be ordination standards that accurately assess a man’s knowledge and handling of Scripture, his ability to understand and apply sound doctrine, and his fundamental doctrinal commitments. There must be doctrinal standards for eldership that are higher than what is required of church members (Jas 3:1). There should be a process of careful study, preparation, and examination. Candidates should be assessed for their ability to bring God’s Word to bear on a range of theological, pastoral, and contemporary issues. The examination should also cover our Statement of Faith, BCO, and our shared values.


Such a process is faithful to the standards of Scripture, is in keeping with the Sovereign Grace BCO,and promotes the future health of the churches of Sovereign Grace.”

Sovereign Grace Churches Ordination Guide Pg. 3

Pastor’s College Graduation Photo

Tamara Boomsma

Sovereign Grace Pasadena and The Chapel of Pasadena are teaming up again this year to bring elementary kids JAM! VBS .  JAM has nothing to do with sticky substances, although sticky substances are never off the table when planning a fun-filled day camp for kids! It just stands for "Jesus and Me." 

Our goal is to help kids develop a deeper trust in Jesus through Bible stories, worship songs, crafts, music, games, and interaction with caring adults and teens. 

This year's JAM will be July 10--14, from 9am to noon at Victory Park in Pasadena. 

It's open to all kiddos entering Kindergarten through 6th grade (or about 5--12 years old) and is entirely free to attend.

Volunteers and junior helpers are needed, welcomed, and appreciated! 

Click here to register or here to email the church office about volunteering.

Tamara Boomsma
Sovereign Grace Churches: Emerging Nations

Sovereign Grace Churches

Our vision is to build a global denomination comprising biblically faithful, gospel-centered churches that are “self-supporting, self-governing, and self-extending,” who in an interdependent, defined partnership with Sovereign Grace Churches advance the gospel of Jesus Christ together for the glory of God alone.

CLICK HERE to read more about how we are partnering with churches around the world

Tamara Boomsma
Thanksgiving Hospitality

Be hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. - Titus 1:8

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. - Heb. 13:16

We live in an area surrounded by College Campuses: PCC, Providence, Art Center, APU, USC - to mention just a few! While we don’t have a specific, organized College Ministry, we can do a lot to minister to the young adults who attend area colleges just by including them in our lives and in our church.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and is a great opportunity to reach out and invite someone over for dinner with your family. Take the next couple weeks to look around to see who God might be putting in your path to invite to share in God’s goodness with you and your family.

Below is an article that has several ideas on how we can minister to the college students in our midst. Take a look and see how you might be able to bless someone!

Welcoming College Students at Church

Is there a college campus near your church or in your community? Your church can make a big difference in the life of a college student. Here are some fun and easy ways to welcome college students who visit your congregation. They’ll appreciate your efforts and your church will be enriched by their participation.

  • Make a point to meet and speak to college students when they come to church. Feeling welcomed is the #1 concern of students who attend a new church.

  • Invite students to sit with you during worship so they don’t sit alone.

  • Treat a student to lunch after worship. Whether it be at home or a local restaurant, students will appreciate an invitation to talk and eat a meal that was not prepared at the dining hall.

  • Bring extra food for after-church potlucks and invite the students to stay for lunch. Most students do not have kitchen facilities to prepare a potluck dish, but they want to participate in church activities.

  • Make a personal phone call to a student who attends your church on Sunday morning, and answer any questions they may have about your congregation.

  • Take a student for coffee during the week following their visit at church.

  • Offer to drive students to worship.

  • Send birthday cards, a bookmark, or words of encouragement throughout the year. Students love mail.

  • Include college students on your Church Newsletter mailing list.

  • Offer Sunday School classes on topics of interest to young adults.

  • Organize a fellowship activity for college students.

  • Present a plant to every new student who attends worship.

  • Include students in worship, inviting them to read scripture, usher, or serve as a communion steward.

  • Create “care packages” for students before finals week. Cookies, small toys, pens, sticky notes, stuffed animals, and even a Slinky would be great gifts for stressed out students. Enclose a note wishing them well on their exams.

  • Adopt a student for a year, inviting them to meals and calling to be sure they are all right.

  • Include students in your family’s holiday activities. Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter are hard times to be far away from home.

  • Design a flier describing your local church and post it in the Student Union on campus. Be sure to include worship times and a map to your church.

~from Building Faith: A Ministry of Virginia Theological Seminary




Tamara Boomsma
A Voice for Life

“No” on Prop 1 = “Yes” for Life


Abortion has been a hot topic in our nation for longer than any of us can remember and we are again facing an important and historical moment with this important issue. On Nov. 8 Prop 1 will be on the ballet for California voters to decide whether or not to change the State of California’s constitution. This change will expressly include the right to an abortion. This comes in response to a U.S. Supreme court decision this past summer to overturn the almost fifty-year-old “Roe v. Wade” decision which legalized abortion in our country. While abortion is currently legal in the State of California, there are certain restrictions (age of viability and health of the mother) but if Prop 1 passes, these will no longer be in effect and California will become a kind of abortion sanctuary not just for California citizens but for the entire nation.


Realizing that each life was created by God in His own image (Gen. 1:27), and that each life holds distinct value and ought to be protected (Gen. 9:6), this becomes an important opportunity for Christians to express this value both to honor God and for the good or our society. The scriptures often speak specifically about life prior to birth, strengthening the case for protecting the unborn. See Job 31:15 Did not he who made me in the womb make him? And did not one fashion us in the womb? Ps. 139:13 you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. Isa. 44:2 Thus says the Lord who made you, who formed you from the womb and will help you.  And remember Elizabeth when Mary came to visit. Luke 1:43 For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.


We are dealing with lives that are precious in God’s eyes and we ought to make the most of our right and opportunity to see this expressed in this upcoming election. There is much more that can and ought to be done to protect and save the lives at any age, but certainly not less than simply voting to stop this harmful law from passing. Sitting by while the supposed majority in California simply takes this ground without putting forth the effort to stop this proposition would be a sad testimony for the Christians of California.


As pastors, we recognize that not everyone agrees with this position and that there are many factors that might be helpful to discuss in more depth; something we would welcome if you find yourself either disagreeing or at least wrestling with challenging questions. Please feel free to contact us.


We also recognize that given the long-standing acceptance and practice of abortion, it is possible that some reading this have had an abortion. While we take a stand against abortion, our highest calling and our greatest desire is to see people know the grace of God and know His forgiveness. What Christ did on our behalf is powerful enough for all our sins. We all need the grace of God and our hope would be for you experience this grace and for your soul to be free and healed.


My hope is to encourage all of you to vote in this midterm election and to vote “No” on proposition 1.


If you would like more information about this proposition, here is a website to get you started.


If you would like to get more involved in this important issue, consider subscribing, giving, or volunteer for the following organizations.






Tamara Boomsma
Playlist for Celebration 2022

Here’s a Spotify playlist for your drive up to the mountains of Idyllwild where we will gather to meet together for our California Celebration.

Use this as a way to prepare your hearts to worship God together as 3 Churches for 2 Days with 1 Mission.

Tamara Boomsma