Our History

On Easter Sunday 1985, Sovereign Grace Church Pasadena, known at the time as Abundant Life Community Church, was launched. Our church soon became a diverse and growing community of believers seeking to live in the light of what Christ has done and walk out the gospel's impact on our personal lives and on our life together as a community. Our mission is to live out the Greatest Commandment and the Great Commission: To Love God, Love People and Make Disciples.

We are committed to helping people grow in their faith and our commitment centers around pursuing sound doctrine and the work of God's Spirit in us as individuals and in us as a church.

Our Affiliation

We are part of a family of churches known as Sovereign Grace Churches. This is a denomination where churches partner together in a close relationship, tied together through our doctrinal beliefs, our core values, and our mission to build and plant Gospel-centered churches. Sovereign Grace Churches is governed by a representative elder from each Sovereign Grace Church. While each local church is led by its own elders, this partnership provides a needed extra-local accountability, counsel, and the opportunity to multiply our efforts in our mission together. 

Sovereign Grace Churches is an organization designed to equip and provide resources for Sovereign Grace Churches and their mission. They do this through (click on links below):

You can find out more about Sovereign Grace churches at  sovereigngrace.com