A Voice for Life
“No” on Prop 1 = “Yes” for Life
Abortion has been a hot topic in our nation for longer than any of us can remember and we are again facing an important and historical moment with this important issue. On Nov. 8 Prop 1 will be on the ballet for California voters to decide whether or not to change the State of California’s constitution. This change will expressly include the right to an abortion. This comes in response to a U.S. Supreme court decision this past summer to overturn the almost fifty-year-old “Roe v. Wade” decision which legalized abortion in our country. While abortion is currently legal in the State of California, there are certain restrictions (age of viability and health of the mother) but if Prop 1 passes, these will no longer be in effect and California will become a kind of abortion sanctuary not just for California citizens but for the entire nation.
Realizing that each life was created by God in His own image (Gen. 1:27), and that each life holds distinct value and ought to be protected (Gen. 9:6), this becomes an important opportunity for Christians to express this value both to honor God and for the good or our society. The scriptures often speak specifically about life prior to birth, strengthening the case for protecting the unborn. See Job 31:15 Did not he who made me in the womb make him? And did not one fashion us in the womb? Ps. 139:13 you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. Isa. 44:2 Thus says the Lord who made you, who formed you from the womb and will help you. And remember Elizabeth when Mary came to visit. Luke 1:43 For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.
We are dealing with lives that are precious in God’s eyes and we ought to make the most of our right and opportunity to see this expressed in this upcoming election. There is much more that can and ought to be done to protect and save the lives at any age, but certainly not less than simply voting to stop this harmful law from passing. Sitting by while the supposed majority in California simply takes this ground without putting forth the effort to stop this proposition would be a sad testimony for the Christians of California.
As pastors, we recognize that not everyone agrees with this position and that there are many factors that might be helpful to discuss in more depth; something we would welcome if you find yourself either disagreeing or at least wrestling with challenging questions. Please feel free to contact us.
We also recognize that given the long-standing acceptance and practice of abortion, it is possible that some reading this have had an abortion. While we take a stand against abortion, our highest calling and our greatest desire is to see people know the grace of God and know His forgiveness. What Christ did on our behalf is powerful enough for all our sins. We all need the grace of God and our hope would be for you experience this grace and for your soul to be free and healed.
My hope is to encourage all of you to vote in this midterm election and to vote “No” on proposition 1.
If you would like more information about this proposition, here is a website to get you started.
If you would like to get more involved in this important issue, consider subscribing, giving, or volunteer for the following organizations.
3. www.ijm.org