Special Announcement: New Youth Group Plans!
This fall, we will be joining forces with another gospel-centered church in our area - The Chapel - to build some momentum and provide an opportunity for our youth to build friendships with other Christians their age, receive the benefit of multiple voices encouraging them to grow in Christ, and strengthen our ties with other like-minded churches.
Pastors from both our churches, along with their volunteer youth minister, Brian Anderson, have been incredibly encouraging. Brian enjoyed participating in the JAM Bible Camp this summer with our church, and was excited to hear that there may be more ways for our two churches to serve the Lord together. Brian and I put together a rough draft of a plan to hold joint youth events this Fall (Sept - Nov), and the leadership team / elders from each church have now approved the plan.
One of the benefits of working together with The Chapel is that we will be able to use their facility for meetings. Scheduling is a bit of a challenge trying to fit youth meetings into two church calendars, not to mention fitting these meetings into your busy schedules! In the end, we decided to meet weekly on Wednesday nights at The Chapel. These meetings will alternate between Praise & Worship nights kinda like a mini church service geared specifically toward youth, and “discipleship” nights where youth will split into smaller groups based on age.
Mark your calendars and join us for our first meeting on September 14! This will be a kick-off party / BBQ in the courtyard at The Chapel. More details to come shortly.